On a lovely Saturday, I headed out to Camden for my bi-monthly haidressers appointment and lunch with Ann-Marie and Nicholas. I had previously had some Burgundy streaks through my hair and thought they looked unique and nice - hence I requested more. Unfortunately, as tragic fate would have it, the blonde seemingly crossed with the red and we had...PINK!!! I naively left the hairdressers with damp hair and no clue until I got home and started to blow dry it...And began to panic. I had pink hair?! Ok, maybe it could be cool?? I caught up with Ann-Marie for lunch and ever the true friend, she assured me it was lovely and looked fine.
Nicholas starts to grow into a big boy! And posing with 'yummy mummy' Ann-Marie
I woke up the next morning and decided that this was not the case and booked an appointment with the Joh Bailey hair salon in Bondi. Lots of dosh later...And my hair was blonde again with ever so slightly a hint of pink. Needless to say, I have since sought a new hairdresser.... ;-)

Be gone pink hair! I pose, a relieved blonde again