December 26 2005, also known fondly as Boxing Day, was soon to mark the more auspicious occasion of Miss Cassidy Donovan's first birthday!
I spent a restless night tossing and turning, wondering if the fried rice with which I had been assigned to make, would meet the required Burgess standards of excellence - as a result of my 'overthinking', I somehow managed to over-saturate the rice, resulting in a white clump of goo. Dianne, ever the calming force, came to my aid and turned my glue into gourmet :)
Next on the agenda was balloon inflation - I just don't have enough air so I attempted to delegate (and was thankfully successful).
I spent a restless night tossing and turning, wondering if the fried rice with which I had been assigned to make, would meet the required Burgess standards of excellence - as a result of my 'overthinking', I somehow managed to over-saturate the rice, resulting in a white clump of goo. Dianne, ever the calming force, came to my aid and turned my glue into gourmet :)
Next on the agenda was balloon inflation - I just don't have enough air so I attempted to delegate (and was thankfully successful).
Cassidy and Daddy Chris examine the gifts with interest; Cassidy loves her new dolly from Ken and Nora.
Finally, the girl of the moment arrived and the party began! There were plates of delicious food with my personal highlight being Lyn's birthday cake masterpiece in the shape of a number 1 - I have a feeling that Cassidy enjoyed it too! (it was however, an emotional struggle for me to deal with the fact that she smushed more cake on her Face than she allowed to enter her mouth - aah, to be so carefree and reckless).
"I didn't do it" - Cassidy takes off her dress and gets down to some
serious chocolate cake -eating business with Mummy, Dani, watching on.
Honourable mentions go to Dani's Chinese salad (soooo yummy) and let's face it, the two Mrs Burgesses did make a pretty mean fried rice in the end :)
"My work here is done". Cassidy attempts to climb over the back
of her highchair - possbly for more jolly jumping?
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