Monday, February 13, 2006

New Year's Eve 2005

Can you believe that it is that time of the year already?! Cam and I joined the Joey's gang for some fun in the sun at Joey's High school, Hunters Hill. Whilst we anticipated an afternoon involving tennis, the heat saw us stick to the Olympic size pool - complete with diving board for those daring souls amongst us (honourable mentions to Brian, T-Bone and Mick here).
Cam enjoying the sun; Greg demonstrates his stroke; Danoz and Junior Danoz (DJ Dann) wave for the camera.
With the sun still high in the sky but pruning and sunburn now imminent, we set off for Dave and Shell's for an evening of Fireworks and Fine Food - and I do mean Fine Food! Special mention goes to Cam's cob, Butt's lamb and mint sauce, Shell's guacamole and Mick's Bolinger. And of course, I managed to put together some chocolate crackles and choc chip cookies :)

Big Dave playing pool footie; Brian approaches the edge of the diving board; Brian and T-Bone team up; Mick challenges the diving board
Happy 2005!!
Happy Couples: Dave and Shell; Brian and Michelle; Greg and Erica

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